
API Robot – Loads

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  • louispips50
    Post count: 172

    Hello everyone,

    I would like talk about the way of adding several nodes force (example x4).

    I did like following example :

    case_number = cases.FreeNumber
    dl= cases.CreateSimple(case_number, “n1”, IRobotCaseNature.I_CN_EXPLOATATION, IRobotCaseAnalizeType.I_CAT_STATIC_LINEAR)
    dl_record = dl.Records.Create(IRobotLoadRecordType.I_LRT_NODE_FORCE)
    dl_record = IRobotLoadRecord(dl_record)
    dl_record.Objects.AddOne(node1) # select nodes

    The only solution I find is to do that for each nodes (ie x4) and combine in a “load combinaison” after

    Do you have any ideas to be more efficient about that ?

    Thank you in advance,

    Post count: 172

    dl_record.Objects return a Robotselection so you can add or exclude text by AddText or ExcludeText functions.

    1 | dl_record.Objects.AddText(“1 2 3 4”)

    function FromText exist also.

    Best regards.

    Post count: 172

    Hi @kaneza,

    With this method I only put same load on each node right ?

    I would like to add one load case with force different according to node (so 1 load case with 4 points and 4 differents foces).

    I would like to :

    dl2_record = IRobotLoadRecord(dl2_record)
    dl2_record.Objects.AddText(“node1 node2 node3 node4 “) (with node1=[0,0,0] node2=[X,0,0] etc – I don’t sure AddTex methode is required for that)
    dl2_record.SetValue ==> one by node

    I am already working on with this document but the translation betweenn C++/Cnet with Python is not really easy to do..

    Thank you in advance,


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Home Forums Temas ou Discussões API Robot – Loads