
Home Forums Temas ou Discussões PleoRB firmware problems Reply To: PleoRB firmware problems

Post count: 172

Hello Ashley,

So it’s sounds like a bad firmware update. Yeah, PleoRB’s cannot be returned to newborn, so that was a problem. You downloaded the reset file, but probably there are still files left from the Ugobe reset that are preventing the Pleo from starting unless there is an SD card installed.

Dinomite might let us delete them, but as the usb port is under the battery, we have to attach a power supply that still gives access to the usb port.

As I am at a lull at the moment with the Ugobe repair, I will fire up one of the RB mock ups (I have many bricked RB cards) and see what the directories look like.

I will get right back to you!

Sorry about the first reply (I hate it when people don’t read what I write)

